Unity Through Social, Sporting, Educational & Cultural Events!
Breaking News: TICKETS ON SALE
Breaking News: TICKETS ON SALE
Celebrating 20yrs Years! OM Group marks the Start of a New Decade
Date Saturday 15th February 2020
Time 11am - 3pm & 7pm - late
Location Venue 360 - Riverside Suite, Gipsy Lane, Luton, LU1 3JH
11am - 3pm - Inspiring for All - Open Day - Showcasing Achievements, Practical Workshops, Side Stalls, Kids Corner, Refreshments.
This is also an opportunity for individuals to join the OM Group team. Using this link to complete a nomination.
7pm - late - Dinner & Dance Celebration plus entertainment. Dress to impress. Tickets: Adult £20 | Child (6yrs - 12yrs) £10 | 5's & Under Free. 10% DISCOUNT on Tables of 10. Call 07999 267224 or order your tickets online at www.om2020.co.uk